
Polarization switches and cables

This is a summary over some of the polarization switches and cables that can be used for satellite antennas. If you find more products please contact us and I will add the info.

First of all a very good page about polarization is this one by SV1BSX. Also DK7ZB has an excellent page about cross yagis and polarisations. And PA3GUO… Google and you will find a lot more pages…

I have also made a post about making the WRAPS switching, the post is in swedish but there is also a PDF in english by the creator Mark Spencer WA8SME.

UHF and VHF Antenna Polarization Switch from Minikits

Minikits have kits for both VHF and UHF. Note that this is a kit and not a ready solution. Link to the UHF version

Polarity switch from M2 Antenna Systems

M2 Antenna Systems have both VHF and UHF switches for the X-Yagi antennas. This switch is placed direct at the antenna, the original driven element is replaced. Link to the UHF version

Polarization remote switch from Wimo

Wimo has a polarization remote switch designed for the X-Quad antenna. It should also be possible to use with other X-Yagi antennas.
Link here
Link to product manual

They also have several types of phase line cables. Link to the UHF version

Antenna Amplifiers CROSS Antenna 1500W Polarization Switch H-V-RHCP

This is a brand new product in 2022 for VHF from Antenna Amplifiers. Link to product page

They also have a 144 – 146 MHz and 430-440 MHz Universal RHCP Kit. Link to product page


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