Latest update 2024-01-23:
Bilingual Montessori School of Lund (Stiftelsen BMSL), Lund, Sweden, telebridge via VK4KHZ The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be NA1SS The downlink frequency is presently scheduled to be 145.800 MHz The latest information on the operation mode can be found at…
The scheduled crewmember is Marcus Wandt KJ5COO The ARISS mentor is ON6TI Contact is go for:
Wed 2024-01-31 12:48:03 UTC 54 deg
Update 2024-01-22 from SM0IFP:
Good news: the contact is a GO for Wed 2024-01-31 12:48:03 UTC= 13:48 your local time. The ground station will be VK4KHZ, located in Australia (Lat. 21.3584 S, Long.148.11227 E, Alt. 386 M)
From ARISS we got the information that the swedish astronaut Marcus Wandt, KJ5COO, is scheduled to make an ARISS contact with Bilingual Montessori School of Lund (Stiftelsen BMSL), Lund, Sweden during their stay.
Stays tuned for more updates for exact date and time.
4 replies on “Planned ARISS contact with Marcus Wandt 2024-01-31”
The latest news
Good news: the contact is a GO for Wed 2024-01-31 12:48:03 UTC= 13:48 your local time.
The ground station will be VK4KHZ, located in Australia (Lat. 21.3584 S, Long.148.11227 E, Alt. 386 M)
Thanks for info!
Here is the link to Live Youtube stream.
Start Wednesday 31 jan kl.13.00 CET (12.00UTC)
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