
Nayif-1 EO-88 2023-07-16 1900UTC

Altitude 240 km over Stockholm, still going strong!


Nayif-1 EO-88 2023-07-14 0910UTC

Altitude 253 km over Stockholm


LEDSAT telemetry 2023-07-02

@LEDSAT_Team telemetry over Stockholm 2023-07-02. Good copy, nice S/N, but strong local interference. Software and hardware used:

  • RX at aprox 435.188 MHz USB
  • 2 x 13 el LFA X-Yagi (InnovAntenna) switched between HOR and VER polarisation
  • AlfaSpid RAS az/el rotor
  • LNA Mini-70 from SHF Elektronik
  • LMR-400 coax
  • Airspy Mini SDR
  • SDR-Console v3 with doppler correction of downlink and satellite tracking, rotor control
  • PstRotator for rotor control interface between SDR-Console and RAS controller
  • VB-Cable: virtual audio cable for piping audio from SDR Console to Soundmodem. Set to 96 kHz and 16 bit.
  • Greencube Soundmodem v0.08b at mode 1200bd
  • GetKISS+ v 1.4.2 from DK3WN for sending telemetry to SatNOGS dB

CubeBel-2 received 2023-07-02

CubeBel-2 telemetry @EU1SAT over Stockholm ar 2023-07-02. Software and hardware used:

  • RX at aprox 436.991 MHz Wide FM BW 12 kHz
  • 2 x 13 el LFA X-Yagi (InnovAntenna) switched between HOR and VER polarisation
  • AlfaSpid RAS az/el rotor
  • LNA Mini-70 from SHF Elektronik
  • LMR-400 coax
  • Airspy Mini SDR
  • SDR-Console v3 with doppler correction of downlink and satellite tracking, rotor control
  • PstRotator for rotor control interface between SDR-Console and RAS controller
  • VB-Cable: virtual audio cable for piping audio from SDR Console to Soundmodem. Set to 96 kHz and 16 bit.
  • HS-Soundmodem v0.27 at mode FSK G3RUH 9600bd.
  • GetKISS+ v 1.4.2 from DK3WN for sending telemetry to SatNOGS dB

Nayif-1 telemetry 2023-03-25

With RHCP tracking yagis

This time a did a simultaneously RX with tracking Yagi with RCHP polarisation and my SatNOGS station with a disconne antenna.

The SatNOGS station with the disconne performance very good with 80 frames received. Compared with my station with RHCP Yagis, Airspy Mini, SDR-Console v3, Nayif-1 software = 103 frames received.

80 frames from the SatNOGS station

CAS-5A FO-118 telemetry 2022-12-27

70cm spectrum with SDR-Console

Strong GMSK 4k8 UHF telemetry. Data uploaded to #satnogs , software and hardware used:

  • RX at aprox 435.650 MHz Wide FM BW 10 kHz
  • 2 x 13 el LFA X-Yagi (InnovAntenna) switched between HOR and VER polarisation
  • AlfaSpid RAS az/el rotor
  • LNA Mini-70 from SHF Elektronik
  • LMR-400 coax
  • Airspy Mini SDR
  • SDR-Console v3 with doppler correction of downlink and satellite tracking, rotor control
  • PstRotator for rotor control interface between SDR-Console and RAS controller
  • VB-Cable: virtual audio cable for piping audio from SDR Console to Soundmodem. Set to 96 kHz and 16 bit.
  • HS-Soundmodem v0.27 at mode FSK G3RUH 4800bd.
  • GetKISS+ v 1.4.2 from DK3WN
Soundmodem and GetKISS+
Uploaded data to SatNOGS