Ham Satellite news

AnyTone AT-D878UVII now has satellite tracking

As the first (what I know of) commercial handheld radio the AnyTone AT-D878UVII software release V3.04 has included amateur radio satellite tracking. From the webpage we got the following information:

  • Predict Satellite Transits: The firmware provides a list of upcoming satellite passes, allowing you to plan ahead for satellite communications.
  • Frequency and Transit Time Display: Select a satellite from the list to view its communication frequency and exact transit time.
  • Direct Communication: Once a satellite is selected, press the PTT (Push-to-Talk) button to transmit directly to the satellite. This is a huge leap for satellite communication enthusiasts, making it easy to operate via satellite with minimal setup.

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Webmaster and member of the AMSAT-SM steering group.

One reply on “AnyTone AT-D878UVII now has satellite tracking”

Min vaen Roger Clark (VK3KYY i Melbourne) har tillsammans med en grupp programmerare skrivit OpenGD77 firmmware, som kan installeras paa maanga HTs & aeven paa TYTs MD-9600 mobile.
Denna firmware har blivit saa populaer att t.o.m. de kinesiska tillverkarna & aaterfoersaeljarna (AliExpress) nu erbjuder TYT & Baofeng DMR radios med OpenGD77 firmware. (Jag har den paa 4 TYT & Baofeng DMR radios)
OpenGD77 har i flera aar haft precis den satellite tracking som AnyTone nu erbjuder i ‘sin’ firmware.
AnyTones sat-tracking aer faktiskt saa lik (identisk?) OpenGD77s dito, att jag tror att AnyTones programerare helt enkelt stulit den fraan OpenGD77.
(Jag ska prata med Roger om detta)
Ocksaa mycket intressant aer att Anytone ‘erbjuder’ kryptering’ & fortfarande saeljer AT-D878UVII till radio ammatoerer!
(Alltsaa inte bara till GMRS kunder)
Som Du saekert kaenner till aer all kryptering av AR kommunikation foerbjuden.
AnyTone borde anmaelas till FCC foer detta…
Det vore ett stort misstag om radio ammatoerer boerjade anvaenda kryptering; Helt enkelt ytterligare ett skael foer myndighheter att begraensa AR’s ‘privilegier’…?
(Ocksaa i VK3)

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