Ham Satellite news

SO50 QSO över EU

SO50 worked over Europe by G8ATE&OZ1MY this afternoon.

Hi all
I managed to work Ib ,OZ1MY, this afternoon on the 1338utc pass over Europe, signals were a lot weaker than AO27.

Though! so a very good Rx setup is required,uplink power used was about 2 watts into a 6 element Quad .Is this the first European QSO via SO50 I wonder???????????

Regards Robert G8ATE

Klla: amsat bb

Ham Satellite news

Nya Oscar nummer

Safir-M har ftt Oscar nummer AO-49 och Saudisat 1C har ftt Oscar 50.

Det har hnt mycket sedan Oscar 1 sndes upp i slutet av 1961 och amatrer runt jordklotet lyssnade till dom 140 milliwatten frn beaconen.

Klla: amsat-bb

Ham Satellite news

AO27 igång igen

Det rapporteras att AO27 har s pass batterispnning igen s den r aktiv. (samma frekvens som saudisat)

73 Hkan SM7WSJ

Klla: amsat-bb

Ham Satellite news


The FO-29 has been stuck in mode JA.

According to the Fuji(JAS-2) web page of JARL, the FO-29
will be kept in mode JA for a while until next announcement.

73 de SM7WSJ

Klla: Amsat bb

Ham Satellite news

Ny Fm satellit

I am pleased to announce that I have received the following E-mail from Saudi Arabia.This satellite will require activation on each pass by a designated control operator.

A worldwide network of designated control operators is now being developed so that Radio Amateurs may begin using the satellite immediately. You will note however that a 67.0 Hz tone is required to switch on the satellite when uplinking.

The purpose of this is to try and remove annoying

You will note that the operational Frequencies are the same as AO-27.

We expect that the satellite will receive an OSCAR Number within a few days.

From Saudi Arabia :-

Dear Mr. Robin Haighton,

We are pleased to inform you that the Space Research
Institute of KACST has successfully launched its third spacecraft, SaudiSat-1C. The launch and separation were accomplished flawlessly on December 20th, 2002, using a
modified SS-18 intercontinental ballistic missile.

SaudiSat-1C carries several experiments, including a new mode J FM amateur repeater experiment operating on 145.850 MHz uplink and 436.800 MHz downlink.

The repeater was activated and tested this past week, and we are pleased to make it available to your members and amateurs worldwide as power permits.

The repeater is accessible using a 67.0 Hertz tone on the uplink, for on-demand activation.

The receive antenna is a single element quarter wave whip on top of the spacecraft, feeding a VHF receiver with -124 dBm sensitivity, while the UHF transmitter is coupled to a quarter wave antenna element on the bottom of the spacecraft, radiating 250mW of RF energy.

We kindly request a new Saudi Oscar designator for our

Please enjoy the new satellite 73
Robin Haighton VE3FRH
President AMSAT NA

73 de SM7WSJ

Klla: Amsat NA